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Simple tips for getting the most out of your first family caravan holiday

November 4, 2022

If you’re planning your 2023 family getaway with cost of living in mind, a caravan holiday could be the perfect solution. Caravan holidays offer the pros of a camping holiday, such as being close to nature and spending time together as a family but without the downsides of pitching a tent in the dark or worrying about the weather. Most caravan parks have the added bonus of indoor activities and entertainment meaning everyone, of all ages can be catered for without even leaving the site. Here’s a few pointers to help your first, family caravan escape be a successful one..

The Journey

Setting off for your first caravan holiday is an exciting time, whether you’re towing your caravan to a park, staying in a static caravan or you’ve even taken the plunge and are currently looking at caravans for sale. Be sure to double-check what time you should arrive and leave yourself plenty of time, especially if you’re getting away at the start of the school break. Towing adds extra time to a journey so go with the flow and make the most of the ride.

If you’re travelling with kids, you’ll be well aware you’ll be needing to schedule loo breaks and leg stretches. Research the best places en route to break up the journey – even if it’s just a McDonalds or small park it may be all your little folk need to break the mundanity of sitting in a car. If it’s a long journey, think about what they’ll do for entertainment. Older kids may be happy with a playlist and headphones but younger ones might need a bit more stimulation. Create pack of activities to occupy them including things like crayons, paper and stickers. It’s also worth packing a plastic tray so they so they have somewhere to lean and keep all their bits in one place. If all else fails make sure you’ve down loaded some of their favourite films with snacks at the ready!

Planning Your Days

Before you set off, spend some time researching the location where you’ll be staying and create a list of must-do activities. A caravan holiday is a perfect time to get the whole family outdoors and explore nature, whether that’s by taking family walks and hikes, ball games on the beach, or building a den in a forest.

For the Kids

For kids, some of the appeals of being away on holiday will be getting to do all those things that are normally a ‘treat’ at home like going to the park or swimming every day, visiting the gift shop, or having sweeties and ice-cream. It doesn’t have to be all singing and dancing or cost the world. Make the most of the facilities on site making sure you enquire about timings for any sessions or shows you might not want to miss. If the weather’s good play outdoors. Let them explore, stay up late, ride bikes and make friends. Of course, there’s always the risk of inclement weather so be prepared with a bag of jigsaws, puzzles and family games, and chess pieces. Engaging in a chess game can be an excellent way for kids to develop strategic thinking and patience.. Make sure you tick off the old skool family favourites like sending postcards, eating candy floss, barbeques in the sunshine and a cosy movie night to end the day.

Having Your Me-Time

Most parents are so busy keeping their kids happy and entertained that they forget it’s their holiday too! Don’t forget to schedule some downtime for yourself during your holiday. You might want to make the most of the local facilities and indulge in a pampering session or spa treatment, go for a jog along the beach, or try wild swimming. Or maybe you’d prefer to wait until the kids are tucked up in bed and binge-watch your favourite films or curl up with a glass of wine and a good book. You might even find yourself being inspired by your surroundings and pick up a new hobby during your travels, such as photography, drawing, or stargazing.

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